Cambridge Street primary school children at play, Collingwood, 1980s. <i>Photographer unknown.</i> Yarra Libraries, CL PIC 190.

Cambridge Street primary school children at play, Collingwood, 1980s. Photographer unknown. Yarra Libraries, CL PIC 190.

Youth Identity & Educational Change in Australia

Youth identity and educational change in Australia since 1950: digital archiving, re-using qualitative data and histories of the presentlooks at the history of young people and schooling in Australia since the 1950s. This project comprises two distinct research strands. The first is a historical study of social science research on youth and educational inequality. The second is a multi-site qualitative, longitudinal ‘born digital’ study of young people in their senior years of secondary schooling, Making Futures, which focuses on their ideas surrounding schooling, social issues and future plans.

Associated publications

Higginson, Joanne and McLeod, Julie (2018) ‘Now, then, when: working with qualitative longitudinal and intergenerational research to study pathways and imagined futures in transnational times’, in David Kember and Michael Corbett (eds) Structuring the thesis. Springer, Singapore, 357–367.

McLeod, Julie (2018) ‘Belonging as pedagogical, practical and political’, in Christine Halse (ed) Interrogating belonging of young people in schools. Palgrave, London, 367–380.

McLeod, Julie, Seddon, Terri, and Sobe, Noah W. (2018) Uneven space-times of education: historical sociology of concepts, methods and practices. World yearbook of education. Routledge, Abingdon, Oxon & New York.

Seddon, Terri, McLeod, Julie, and Sobe, Noah W. (2018) ‘Reclaiming comparative historical sociologies of education’, McLeod, Julie, Seddon, Terri, and Sobe, Noah W. (2018). Uneven space-times of education: historical sociology of concepts, methods and practices. World yearbook of education. Routledge, Abingdon, Oxon & New York, 1–25. 

McLeod, Julie (2017) ‘Marking time, making method: Temporality and untimely dilemmas in the sociology of youth and educational change’, British Journal of Sociology of Education, vol. 38, no.1, 13–25. DOI: 10.1080/01425692.2016.1254541. 

McLeod, Julie (2017) ‘Reframing responsibility in an era of responsibilisation: education, feminist ethics and an “idiom of care”’, Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education, Vol. 38, no. 1, 43–56. DOI: 10.1080/01596306.2015.1104851.   

McLeod, Julie (2017) ‘Inventing and addressing wellbeing – as a problem, a solution and as a policy and analytic strategy’. School of Education, University of Oslo, 22 June.

McLeod, Julie (2017) ‘Temporality and the timing of methodologies: interdisciplinary dialogues across history and sociology’. Presentation to workshop & symposium Transmethodology and the analyses of engaged becomings, School of Education, Aarhus University, Copenhagen, Denmark, 29 March.

McLeod, Julie (2017) ‘Community, policy, biography’. Invited presentation and workshop lead for two-day workshop, Stories of resourcefulness, UNSW Social Policy and Research Centre, University of New South Wales, 1–2 March.

McLeod, Julie (2017) ‘The case study and surplus singularity’. Invited lecture and workshop lead for Case studies in qualitative social research, School of Social and Political Science, University of Melbourne, 23 February.

McLeod, Julie and Wright, Katie (2016) ‘What does wellbeing do? An approach to defamiliarise keywords in youth studies, Journal of Youth Studies, vol.19, no. 6, 776–92. DOI: 10.1080/13676261.2015.1112887.

McLeod, Julie (2015) ‘Happiness, wellbeing and self-esteem: public feelings and educational projects’, in Katie Wright and Julie McLeod, eds (2015) Rethinking youth wellbeing: critical perspectives. Springer, Singapore, 179–196.

Hense, Cherry, McKibbin, Gemma, McLeod, Julie, Philips, Caroline and Rudolph, Sophie (eds) (2015) Researching for social change: ethics, methodologies & ethics. Melbourne Social Equity Institute, Working Papers, University of Melbourne.

McLeod, Julie and Wright, Katie (2015) ‘Inventing youth wellbeing’, in Katie Wright and Julie McLeod (eds) Rethinking youth wellbeing: critical perspectives, Springer, Singapore, 1–10.

Thomson, Rachel and McLeod, Julie (2015) ‘New frontiers in qualitative longitudinal research: Introduction’. Special Issue of International Journal of Social Research Methods, vol. 18, no. 3, 243–250. 

Thomson, Rachel and McLeod, Julie (2015) Guest Editors. Special Issue of International Journal of Social Research Methods, vol. 18, no. 3.

Wright, Katie and McLeod, Julie, (eds) (2015) Rethinking youth wellbeing: critical perspectives. Springer, Singapore.

McLeod, Julie (2014) ‘Temporality and identity in youth research’, in A. Reid, P. Hart and M. Peters (eds) A companion to research in education, Springer, Dordrecht, 311–313.

McLeod, Julie (2012) ‘Middle School’, in N.Lesko and S. Talburt (eds) Keywords in youth studies, Routledge, New York, 44–49.

McLeod, Julie (2012) ‘Vulnerability and the neo-liberal youth citizen: a view from Australia’, Comparative Education, vol. 48, no. 1, 11–26.

Thomson, Rachel and McLeod, Julie (2012) ‘Researching social change’, in J. Katz, S. Peace and S. Spurr (eds) Adult lives: a life course perspective, The Policy Press, Bristol.

McLeod, Julie (2011) ‘Student voice and the politics of listening in higher education and equity’, Critical Studies in Education, vol. 52, no. 2, 179–189.

McLeod, Julie (2010) ‘Canonical moments and disruptive moves in youth studies research’, British Journal of Sociology of Education, vol. 31, no. 2, March, 249–257.

McLeod, Julie (2009) ‘Youth studies, comparative inquiry and the local/global problematic’, Review of Education, Pedagogy and Cultural Studies, vol. 31, no. 4, 1–23.