Emily Epstein with some of her young art students at the Hamilton High School in Victoria, Australia, 12 October 1972. Photographer Don Edwards. National Library of Australia, vn4589275

Emily Epstein with some of her young art students at the Hamilton High School in Victoria, Australia, 12 October 1972. Photographer Don Edwards. National Library of Australia, vn4589275

Feminism & Education

Beginning with her doctoral thesis, Julie has developed a program of research on histories of feminism in education. She looked initially at the double-edged effects of feminism in education as a practice of governmentality, one that regulated and freed gender and, more recently, at memories, erasures and nostalgia for feminist agendas in education. Her current work examines cultural, biographic and policy memories and representations of feminism in conjunction with narratives of progressive and utopian movements, such as alternative and community school projects.


Associated publications

McLeod, Julie (2018). ‘The movement of feminist and gender history in educational research’. Invited lead article in special section on ‘Revolutionizing, reforming, or differentiating(education) research? Trend, fad or innovation: The example of feminist and gender research agendas in the history of education’, International Journal for the Historiography of Education, vol.8, no.1 66–74.

McLeod, Julie (2017). ‘A feminist manifesto for education’. British Journal of Sociology of Education, vol.38, no.7, 1075–1080.  

McLeod, Julie (2017). ‘The administration of feminism in education: revisiting and remembering narratives of gender equity and identity’. Journal of Educational Administration and History, vol.49, no.4, 283–300.  

McLeod, J. (2017) ‘Reframing responsibility in an era of responsibilisation: education, feminist ethics and an “idiom of care”’, Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education, vol. 38, no. 1, 43–56. DOI:10.1080/01596306.2015.1104851.  

McLeod, Julie (2012) ‘Feminism’, in James Arthur and Andrew Peterson (eds) The Routledge companion to education. Routledge, London, 37–47.

McLeod, Julie (2009) ‘What was poststructural feminism in education?’, in Apple, Michael W., Au, Wayne, and Gandin, Luis Armando (eds) The Routledge international handbook of critical education. Routledge, New York, 137–49.

McLeod, Julie (2005) ‘Feminist poststructuralism and curriculum history’, Curriculum Perspectives, vol.25, no.1, 60–3.

McLeod, Julie (2001) ‘When poststructuralism meets gender’, in Kenneth Hultqvist and Gunilla Dahlberg (eds) Governing the child in the new millennium. Routledge, New York, 259–89.

McLeod, Julie (1998) ‘The promise of freedom and the regulation of gender—feminist pedagogy in the 1970s’, Gender and Education, vol. 10, no. 4, 431–45.

McLeod, Julie (1996) ‘Regulating gender: feminist truths and educational reform in Victoria since 1975’. PhD thesis, La Trobe University.